Of all the things Trump and his enablers have done to tick me off over the past 4 years, convincing 70% of Republicans that our elections are not fair ranks near the top. And for no reason other than to soothe his ego.
The myth that this election was stolen will exist for years and he'll fan it so he can profit from it. To the detriment of Republican candidates who will have an impossible time convincing their voters to vote early or by mail as will become commonplace.
Clinton and Abrams were wrong to suggest they may have really won their elections. But like so many things Trump, he's taking an opponent's character defect and exaggerating it to unheard of degrees.
Most of the allegations I see are already debunked, even in Trump's thin gruel of court proceedings, but they persist. "Something fishy" is not enough. Problems that were discovered in the normal course of due diligence are evidence of the system working, not the opposite.
I've worked on or near GOP campaigns for almost 30 years. In 2004, I specifically handled absentee and military ballots for BC re-elect. In 2000, I reviewed and challenged ballots around the clock during the recount. Here I am 40 lbs ago:
The Florida Recount was over hundreds of votes. Trump is losing by 150k or 45k or 35k or 15k depending on the state you choose and it's going up (because he told his people not to vote early). Do bad things happen? Yes, rarely. Do they happen at that scale? No. They do not.
People are discussing this like it was a close election. It was not. Trump over performed but lost with greater margins than Clinton in 16 when the outcome was quickly resolved. Biden is ~36 EVs over. You're not overturning 3 states with deep margins and hearsay evidence.
Every day of a campaign is a countdown. Right now Republicans are wasting time they could be investing in holding the Senate placating the delusions of fraud that Trump telegraphed for months he would claim. And at the detriment of our democracy. It needs to end.
PS: A lot of replies are about 4 years of Russia. Folks, nobody, and I mean nobody, is happier to see Americans turn on their democracy more than Russia. You think that was handled unfairly - this ain't the answer.
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