The only thing that helped rehabilitate Armenia was a planned economy in the early years of the Soviet Union. Make your own conclusions with this information, be mad at me for saying this, but Armenia has no other choice
There will be misery and suffering for as long as we refuse to build socialism in Armenia. The best possible outcome for Armenia under capitalism will be this: all of Armenian working class leaves due to poverty, the petit bourgeoisie and the grand bourgeoisie stay
And Armenia becomes a holiday destination for petit bourgeois diasporans
This is pretty much how it already is
We have happily allowed all the forces of capital to take over our country, we have left it an open air museum to go back and be amused at hayastantsi culture of poor people trying to survive in their half deserted towns and villages and rich people living off their backs
Most employers of Armenian manual labor in Russia are of Armenian descent too, they export our labor force to work here in awfully humiliating conditions, building Moscow and Moscow’s streets, including most of the district I live in. do with this information what you want.
I can show you the pictures of all the buildings I KNOW for a FACT were built by Armenian construction workers and BY Armenian-owned construction companies
We have a huge labor force that is building Russia,building Europe,while being exploited in inhumane conditions of 1. their documents being taken away, 2. their wages being cut off. 3. their living conditions being absolutely humiliating. 4. them having little to no fin. security
They know they can keep doing this to our laborers because they’ve created an uninhabitable environment in most of Armenia, they are keeping Armenia poor to have hundreds of thousands of Armenian laborers working for them for lower than the official minimum wage
If there was any sort of promising leadership, any sort of economic security, any sort of secure housing conditions at least a 1/4 of the labor migrant families would leave Russia and move back to Armenia.
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