🎬New #DeFi tutorial on how to hedge with @HegicOptions on-chain, non-custodial options!

🧙‍♂️For those long ETH or WBTC, this is a timely lesson.

🧙‍♂️See the improved UX to for exercising profits without ETH / DAI required

🧙‍♂️New bi-directional pools have enabled greater liquidity!
📺Check out the full 20-minute video below where I ELI5 ETH put options by Hegic, for those with zero experience using options.

⚖️If you're familiar with options, I would skip ahead to the 8:30 marker, to see how easy the @HegicOptions UI is to use.
🦄Another fantastic resource, per usual, comes from a @HegicOptions community member named @unichadeth. This is a great thread to help beginners and even those experienced with options, just learning about Hegic. https://twitter.com/unichadeth/status/1324213767899475968?s=20
👋 I am disclosing I hold $HEGIC. This is not intended as an endorsement or recommendation to buy. I simply mean to share I hold HEGIC in case there's any conflict of interest as I share this tutorial. https://www.hegic.co/ 
🚨 As always, this is not financial advice. There is always risk in using DeFi, including technical risks (ie smart contracts hacks), financial risks (ie liquidity crises), potentially admin risk (or governance vulnerabilities), and risk of a pegged asset failing like WBTC.
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