Trails of Cold Steel is one of the most immersive and enchanting games I’ve played, ever. It not only enhances many aspects about JRPG’s that I do love, but elevates them in a way that allows this to be what I consider a pinnacle in narrative structure and turn based combat.
Although this game is a part of an overarching saga, it is still an amazing game to play individually. Paired with not only a dynamic cast and intrinsic lore, Cold Steel allows the player to assimilate themselves into the world of Erebonia, as if they have lived there for ages.
Class 7 is littered with personality, and while they all come off as a bit “tropish” (brave leader, nerdy acquaintance, etc) all of the blend together surprising well, and every interaction is one I looked forward to, whether it was sparring with Laura or reading with Machias.
The mythos is extensive, and although the dialogue can be somewhat overbearing, it comes at the price of excellent worldbuilding and thematic potency which was a huge plus. Even with little details and events in other countries and cities pop up various times in the story.
While the combat is not exactly the same as other turn based JRPG’s, it allows for more freedom with the Quartz system, allowing you to equip your character with very cool status effects or passive abilities while engaging in combat. Upgrading and getting stronger is easy as well
The soundtrack is simply outstanding. Falcom sound team jdk nailed every composition out the park. No song feels overused and all are placed in moments or situations where they are appropriate, whether it would be in the midst of battle or a romantic gathering of two characters.
All that being said, I did have my gripes with the game at times. Being that it is a PS3/Vita game, it did not look the best, though graphical fidelity is not something that was a major issue. I also found that some interactions would be difficult to understand.
This is because, like stated earlier, this game is part of an overarching story. And so, to fully grasp some situations that take place in the game, you should have some knowledge by playing the previous games, Sora no Kiseki and Zero/Azure no Kiseki.
However, seeing as I had only played Zero/Azure (I don’t remember much either) I still had a good time understanding the gravity of all the events that took place, and my lack of concrete knowledge did not completely hinder my progress or enjoyment of this game.
To conclude, this game is wonderful. I had my gripes about playing it for many months, but giving it a chance led me to some of my favorite experiences while playing a video game. I have a newfound love for Trails, and I hope this thread interests you a little bit.

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