So you wanna become a high value man?

It's a fun journey.

Becoming high value is about pushing yourself,

Testing your will,

And discovering strengths you didn't know you had.

Here are 10 ways to do it.

Money, women, discipline. You can have it all.




You're about to see 10 challenges taken by men all over the world.

These WILL turn you into a high value man.

But you need to choose one.

You'll find the "why" of each challenge on each tweet below.

You'll find the "how" at the end of the thread.

Let's go:
1. No Fap Challenge

No Fap makes you better with women, makes you stronger and happier in every area of life.

It's hard (literally) but once you do it, the benefits are enormous.

Women, strength, self-respect.

Good for the soul
2. Productivity Challenge

If you're struggling with productivity, you need to address it.

Imagine what you could do by working just one hour more a day.

That's 365 at the end of the year of DEEP work.

That's how empires are created, you know...
3, Fitness Challenge

You can't look like Brad Pitt in Troy in 30 days.

But you can start to see visible, undeniable changes in your body that compel you to continue.

The cool thing about a fit body:

It's a medal of discipline that you get to wear everywhere you go.
4. High ROI Skill Challenge

(Money Twitter I'm looking at you)

This is how you spend 30 days learning a skill,

Reach out to clients,

Close two $5k/month retainers.

And make over $100k a year.

Not easy, but simple.
5. Meditation Challenge

This was a life changer for me.

My mind is VERY noisy (yours probably is too).

Meditation is how you quiet it and prepare yourself to receive the abundance the Universe wants to give you.

Zero downside to meditating.

Literally zero.
6. Sober Challenge

(Props to @ImprovementGeek for helping me write this one)

I don't need to tell you how hurtful alcohol addiction is because you already know.

30 days are enough to replace a habit.

30 days in exchange for a lifetime of freedom,

Sounds good, eh?
7. Reading Challenge

Do you know a smart person that doesn't read?

Me neither.

Reading has become a chore for many of us.

Committing to a time frame to read will make you smarter, happier and help you come up with million dollar ideas often.
8. Social Anxiety Challenge

If you don't know how to approach women or have trouble making friends,

You can't stay like that.

Do you know a successful person that can't talk to people?

You gotta do it.

And there are ways to do so (I'll show you in a minute).
9. Mental Toughness

Mental Toughness will help you in any area of life:

Self love and self respect.

"Better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war".

-Chinese proverb.
10. Limiting Beliefs / Past Wounds Challenge

You have no limits.

You can do anything.

Whatever your eyes see, you can have. Whatever you went through, you can go over.

But you need to untangle the beliefs that are keeping you prisoner.

Do it and you'll win at life. Simple.
These challenges will change your life and allow you to take what's yours:

Money, women, peace and self respect.

I give you unique strategies and an accountability sheet for just $1.

Why $1?

You'll see inside ;) 
Thanks for reading amigos.


We have a private Telegram chat with anyone who takes the Challenges.

It's fun af.

(And it's only $1, why wouldn't you change your life for $1?)

You can follow @OneJKMolina.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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