BALLARD - McConnell won by 74.64% of 4.2k votes - that’s roughly 3,134 people. Ballard county has 2,285 registered republicans as of 10/10/2020
@AmyMcGrathKY @marceelias
FLOYD - McConnell won by 65.94% of 16.3k votes. That’s roughly 10,748 votes for McConnel. Floyd County has 6,236 registered Republican voters as of 10/10/2020
Kentucky only had 2 blue counties, but according to their voter stats there are several counties that have more democrats than republicans yet they go red with more Republican voters than registered Republicans?
Trump won Kentucky with 62.13% of 2.1 million votes. Kentucky has 1,672,380 Registered Democrats & 1,568,690 Registered Republicans. That would make voter turnout for Republicans a whopping 83% & Democrats only 47.5%
ANDERSON - Mitch won by 68.16% of 13,200 which is roughly 8,997 votes.
There are 8,848 registered republicans and 8,650 Democrats
BALLARD - He won 74.64% of 4,200 votes - roughly 3,135 votes.
There are 2,285 registered Republicans & 3,966 Democrats & 358 Other
BOURBON - Mitch won 60.19% of 9,600 votes - roughly 5,778 votes. There are 5,582 Registered Republicans, 8,326 Democrats, & 1,149 other.
BRACKEN - Mitch won 71.88% of 4,200 votes - roughly 3,019 votes.
There are 2,194 Registered Republicans, 4,221 Democrats, & 370 others
BREATHITT - Mitch won 66.60% of 5,600 voters - roughly 3,730 votes. There are 1,599 registered Republicans, 9,508 Democrats, & 382 others
CALDWELL - Mitch won 69.29% of 6,400 voters - roughly 4,435 votes.
There are 3,857 registered Republicans, 5,805 Democrats, & 632 other
CARLISLE - Mitch won 76.04% of the 2,600 voters - roughly 1,977.
There are 1,469 registered Republicans, 2,510 Democrats, & 154 Other
BREAKING...This GETS Better!!
I looked into the Voting Machines Vendors in KY - there are 3
First one is Election Systems & Software (ES&S) - ES&S is owned by Michael R. McCarthy - Michael R McCarthy is the owner of McCarthy Capital & McCarthy Group BUT..Cont..
He’s also on the Board of Directors for Union Pacific Corporation. Remember, McConnell’s wife, Elaine Chao is Secretary of Transportation. They announced $291 million in grants for railways 10/29/2020. McCarthy has been cashing in on his Phantom Stock with Union Pacific. 50k each
Next Voting Machine Supplier - Hart InterCivic - Hart InterCivic received money from H.I.G. Capital described as an acquisition - in July 2020 HIG removed their affiliation from Hart InterCivic from their website.
H.I.G was founded by the former director of Blackstone Group and Blackstone’s CEO is Stephen Schwarzman, long time friend and associate of Donald J Trump. They were also involved in the immigration scandal.
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