How your marketing is ignoring 97% of your potential customers

and how not fixing it is costing you thousands of dollars in lost sales

Find out how to change that in this brief thread

do you know in any given market, only 3% are in buying mode
and the remaining 97% feel left out and unattended to?

which means potential sales you are losing out on?

to make it clear, here’s an analogy

let’s say you’re the owner of a water company and you’re creating a marketing campaign to bring in sales
those who buy right away are those that are very thirsty and need something to drink right away

but are those the only customers you can get to buy?

of course not!

so what should you do?
you want to tailor your marketing messages in such a way that even tho someone doesn’t buy now

you stay top of their mind

Here’s why

everybody in your market is targeting those 3%

I mean, the goal of everyone is to bring in sales right away isn’t it?
what of those who make up the bulk of your market who aren’t thirsty now?

like those who are not aware they are thirsty to begin with

or those who are thirsty and don’t even know you exist yet

your goal is to move your potential clients from

”who the hell are you?”

I’m ready to buy now and you’re my preferred option

so how do you go about this?

you need to create a system for your marketing messages to




-get prospects to act
once you understand how to create a customer journey that has all these dialed in

you no longer have to worry about the competition


because while they focus on getting the sales right away

you build a system that round the clock attracts, educates, nurtures
and gets your prospects to see you as their preferred option

here’s an example

let’s assume you sell a course on how to become an efficient person

you can create a marketing system that attracts your ideal audience by
-stating how to identify the root causes of inefficiency

-how inefficiency hinders them from reaching the peak of productivity

-how being unproductive can lead to stunted individual growth and performance
-then you present your course as the solution to cure the root causes of inefficiency
and how you can help them boost their productivity

once you do this,

you’d watch your sales soar because you become their preferred option

and here’s a quick maths
if your sales conversion was 10% before

which means 10 out of 100 people buy your offers at a unit price of $100

= 10 x $100


by implementing this,

imagine you are now able to convert an extra 15% of your market share?

You now sell to 25% of the market
25 of 100 people that get into your sales funnel become buyers

25 x $100 = $2500

an increase of $1500 from implementing this

Now imagine you have enough traffic coming into your sales pipeline


25% of 10,000 people = 2,500
Multiply that by your unit price = 2500 x $100

= $250,000

wouldn’t you love that?

imagine how much sales you’re leaving on the table

and how implementing this can change your entire business
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