In every paper & talk I try to make the point that the drivers of pop health are structural, stemming from political decisions & actions. Actors created these inequities & can dismantle them. This leaves me hopeful but so unbelievably frustrated, bc we have many of the answers 1/
In 1 of my classes this week we read work by @DrRitaHamad et al; @jennkarasmontez @JasonBeckfield @mdhayward et al; @pamela_herd @donmoyn. These folks richly describe how progressive policies can improve pop health. These works give me hope. 2/
But as the authors of all these pieces point out, the politics of these actions are messy, often motivated by $ & power rather than notions of equity, empathy, & justice. Knowing that we don't lack is scientific evidence, but rather political will, is infuriating. 3/
The pandemic provides stark evidence of this. This week we see so much excitement about a vaccine (that I share!). Still, the US has sat back & watched more than 200k die needlessly, when there are life saving solutions that could be done TOMORROW if there was political will. 4/
I also talked abt this w @edyong209 in this brilliant piece, arguing that the US knows how to slow spread & save lives in the pandemic, even without a vaccine, but political actors are choosing not to. 6/
Pop health scientists must continue the work of documenting patterns & drivers health. But more evidence wont (necessarily) create political will. We've got to figure out how to better translate findings to action & partner w folks who know how to do this. Lives depend on it. 7/7
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