Good morning ☀️

We do not need to unify with the Republicans. Please kill that talking point. Why would we revive a political party that first tried to prevent a free & fair election from occurring & now seeks to overthrow the results in a fascist coup? 1/
The two-party system is a hindrance to democracy to begin with. The GOP has descended into full-blown fascism, a cult of personality organized around Trump that initiated new genocidal projects incl. kidnapping children, sterilizing people & allowing COVID to decimate BIPoC. 2/
Anyone talking about unifying with or reviving the Republican Party— even Republicans refuse to acknowledge the election results & instead engender violence among Qan*n, far right & white supremacist groups—is untethered to reality & should not be taken seriously. 3/
Yes, I understand 70M ppl voted for Trump. That describes the problem. Assisting Republicans in normalizing Trump’s madness right now & engaging in a language of unification that doesn’t align with reality is not a solution. We need to instead build a new political landscape. 4/4
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