Maybe the mistake we Muslims make when trying to explain away the actions of these extremists is in trying to cut their ties with Islam and in denying their actions aren't Islamic. But in our effort to do so, we sound totally unbelievable. Thread 🧵
What exactly is the definition of religious extremism? Is it someone who follows the religious rules to the letter? In that case, they are very much Muslim, and infact some of their actions ARE Islamic. Maybe some verses are followed too closely, or not understood PROPERLY..
Nevertheless there was something in the verses that spurred them to action. I think in our effort to be "liberal" Muslims we tend to deny such verses exist, and although God did call for tolerance, that was still offered as an "option" which these people chose not to accept.
And so it goes to show that religious extremism is spurred by oppressive cultures/traditions. The only way these cultures can continue to survive is to parasitically latch onto and twist religious expressions that work in tandem with them. Dangerous but effective.
And that is why you will find different kind of Muslims who react to issues differently. The less oppressive the culture a person is from, the more they lean towards accepting the tolerance called for in such Islamic verses and vice versa.
So I think what I'm saying is rather than simply calling the actions of these extremists unislamic, we need to instead work on our narrative, which is easier said than done, because as a Muslim when you try to tow the "liberal" path, you also run the risk of doing Bid'ah.
We need to speak with each other and understand why these acts of extremism continue to persist, because it could be that in pushing them away from us in an effort not to be soiled by their actions, this only emboldens them. Now is not the time for "their Islam is different".
However I continue to find solace in the line in Q2:256 "There is no compulsion in religion", which really should be canon for every Muslim. Allow people to practice their Islam, and you follow yours. You may correct them, but not force or impose on them. Na only you waka come.
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