I know it’s been said already, but I just want to reinforce that it is imperative that these people never have power over anyone in this country. This is pre-Holocaust type of discussion. The modern left is actually starting to take on a full fascist form.
They ask for a “truth a reconciliation committee,” which sounds like a funny way to say propaganda ministry. I hate using WW2 analogies, but it’s hard not to in this case. Some on the left have even gone as far as to propose “re-education camps.” I wonder what they mean by that.
What’s sad is that pointing these things out gets you labeled a conspiracy theorist. Well 5 years ago accusing the left of wanting segregation got you labeled a conspiracy theorist as well. Fast forward to 2020, colleges are now proposing to segregate dorms.
You can only pass this off as just crazy people on the internet for so long. One of those tweets is from a congresswoman. Someone with an office on Capitol Hill proposed making lists of people for “future” use. I’m sure Chairman Mao would be proud.
They accused Trump supporters of wanting to do their, but never did. For four years they accused the Republican Party of a fascist takeover that never happened, only to get one taste of power and start making lists. If you don’t see it now, then you won’t until it’s too late.
If you went back in time 15 years, and said the left wanted to eradicate private insurance, you would have been laughed out of polite society. Fast forward to 2020, that was the main talking point of the 2020 democratic primaries.
Go back only 8 years, the president of the United States laughed at republicans who were nervous the government wanted to take their guns away. Fast forward to 2020, and “hell yeah we’re going to take your AR-15” was something said on national television and met with applause.
At what point does the Democratic Party say enough is enough? They accuse the right of being radical for electing Donald Trump, when all that happened was he cut some people’s taxes. Democrats want to elect someone who has openly suggested nationalizing Heath and energy sectors.
I think claims of voter fraud need to be investigated, but if in the end Biden is the winner I will accept that. But I will never pretend that the left is anything other than the very people they claim to hate, and now their motto is conform or be added to the list, how ironic.
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