If you ever wonder why Europe doesn't have its own Amazons, here is one reason why: the EU believes that once a private company has built a successful platform, that platform should start to act like a public utility.

The complaint is here. https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_20_2077
The EC does *not* allege that Amazon is harming consumers. It alleges that what Amazon does harms merchants - ie, its competitors.

But competition, whether it's cutting your prices or making a better product, is inherently bad for competitors *because* it's good for consumers!
The worst thing about monopolization and weak competition is giving businesses a quiet life, so they don't have to bother innovating or working to help consumers.

But the exact thing the EC complaint wants to give merchants is a quieter life – with less competition from Amazon!
Here's @AuerDirk on the complaint, and why it gets the economics of platforms wrong. https://twitter.com/AuerDirk/status/1326164576661098496
You can follow @s8mb.
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