Recycling plastic is a myth as 91% of plastic is not recycled. The idea of recycling plastic has caused people to be complacent & consume even more plastic.

The easiest way to be environmentally friendly is to reduce consumption as we’re not good at recycling, esp in Asia.
Whenever u read a fashion brand or whatever brand saying they are environmentally friendly because they use recycled plastic, remember this: why not buy organic materials to start.

We live in a plastic fantastic world where everyone is plastic.

It is oil based. Fossil fuel.
Your tooth brush, plastic & an oil derivative. Your makeup holder, plastic. Your clothes, plastic. Your shoes, plastic.

Your food, wrapped in plastic. Your takeaway, contained by plastic. Your electronics, plastic

Ur bottled water, plastic.

We live in a plastic fantastic world
Plastic is an oil derivative. True story. Now, how about wearing that plastic clothing/sheets & going to bed & if there is a fire then the clothes will melt into ur skin.

How do I know? Edit myplastic surgeon friend’s medical papers & full of stories of polyester clothes & fire.
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