The Vatican’s report into ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick is out👇

➡️Pope John Paul II was aware McCarrick had been accused of misconduct but accepted his denials

➡️Archb. Viganò *ignored* Vatican instructions to investigate a McCarrick allegation (1/7)
JPII overlooked McCarrick for promotion but then appointed him to Washington DC in 2000.

➡️An inquiry into McCarrick allegations received “inaccurate & incomplete information”

➡️No victim had come forward to the Holy See, meaning allegations could be denied.

Benedict XVI ordered McCarrick to resign in 2006

➡️He was advised to open an Church process against McCarrick but decided against.

➡️Benedict indicated to McCarrick he should have a lower profile & reduce his travel. Formal sanctions were not placed on McCarrick.

Viganò - as papal ambassador to the US - was told to investigate an allegation against McCarrick in 2012 by Cardinal Ouellet.

➡️ Viganò “did not take these steps”, according to the report. He was also briefed about McCarrick continuing to travel etc

In 2018 Viganò called on Pope Francis to resign for lifting sanctions against McCarrick and making the US prelate a trusted adviser.

But the report shows this to be false:

➡️No formal sanctions existed

➡️Francis was never presented with any evidence about McCarrick

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