The writing rampage continues..
My latest piece:

America is Dead.
Long Live Bitcoin!

"What was once the land of the free, is now the land of confusion".
2/ 2020 will be known as the year the establishment hammered the last nail into the coffin of the the American Dream.

What started over a quarter of a millennium ago, as a movement toward a better, more free world, where the sovereignty of the individual and....
3/ ....the right to protect yourself were held sacrosanct is at the end of its rope, watching the last of its lifeforce being quelled.

This is not “the beginning of the end” for the land of the free, but more like the end of the end.
4/ It all began when Lincoln forcibly “united” the states, and removed their ability to secede in the 1860's.

The essence of the American dream took another major blow in 1913 with the advent of the Federal Reserve, and the centralisation of how labour is measured.
5/ The next major blow was America’s so-called “leadership” under Woodrow Wilson and the subsequent involvement in WW1 is where its soul was truly sold.
6/ Then came the welfare state & its mandated wealth redistribution. It skewed the incentives for both producers & consumers and slowly turned America into a completely deranged society hell-bent on measuring consumption as some form of progress, a sign of prosperity & a virtue!
7/ 1971 & the fall of Bretton Woods was another huge step toward the complete destruction of America and its original essence. I don’t need to say much here except point to  h/t @heavilyarmedc & @mrcoolbp
8/ Then we had the Don Quixote inspired “Drug War” led by the idiot Republicans who decided they could play god not only with what people in their own country could put into their own bodies, but what people in other countries could manufacture.
9/ This over time transformed into an ever increasing “International Policing” & “Authoritarian Foreign Policy”, which then turned on their own citizens with organisations such as the NSA. @Snowden @JulianAssange_ & @RealRossU are three PRIME examples of innocent casualties.
10/ All thanks to the rise of the most corrupt political families in human history:

The Clinton Family
The Bush Family
The Obama’s

But then came @realDonaldTrump
11/ An imperfect man attempted to drain the swamp.

He may have been ‘mean’ but objectively speaking, he was a counter-measure to globalisation and a force toward the necessary fragmentation & localisation that the world must inevitably experience.
12/ @realDonaldTrump was a last ditch effort to save the soul of America, despite the odds he faced as @ThomasEWoods points out:

Without himfragmentation will occur not consciously, but violently as the state falters beneath its own weight.
13/ It’s a fitting end to a year in which the greatest victims were not you & I, but truth & freedom.

This entire year has been one of complete hysteria, lies upon lies, censorship, cancel culture, confusion and division all fuelled and fanned by the woke media so that...
14/ ...moronic, unelected 3-letter institutions can feed you ridiculous ideas like a CBDC via which all your personal economic decisions are controlled, a ‘new normal’ in which you’re no longer allowed to socialise, and a ‘great reset’ in which you’ll “own nothing and be happy”
15/ In many ways, America has done this to itself. Not the American people themselves — because that spirit remains — but the establishment that became “America” and replaced the America that was its people.
16/ America moved from a land of competence to a land of arrogant academics, erroneous experts and ignorant intelligentsia, who like a cancer, continue to spread far & wide, infecting the minds of new generations through the state indoctrination institutions known as “schools”.
17/ This short clip with Yuri Bezmenov, Former KGB, explains in 2min, exactly how communism infiltrated America via academia

My Russian friends will appreciate this..
@ToneVays @KatieAnanina
18/ Caretaker-ruled societies are doomed bc they skew the base incentives resulting in parasitic behaviour that destroys capital.

Public officials play a rigged game where heads they win, tails you lose.

This is anti-capitalism and it eats the very soul of humanity & the earth.
19/ The new Leviathans...

This institutionalisation of America, the subsequent erosion of the productive middle class & monopolisation of money + law is exactly what spawned the monopolies we're now lauded over by, whether Pfizer, Monsanto, Google, Facebook, Netflix or Amazon.
20/ Decades of decadence, and blind growth for growth’s sake using @StephanieKelton economics (“it’s just points”) has hollowed out the capital built up over the prior centuries and left it an empty, bureaucratic corpse that’s at the mercy of both its external & internal enemies.
21/ BUT….As with all things in the universe, there is a counterbalancing force.

Alongside every institution of control and suppression, we’ve almost always had objective studies, and courageous individuals that fought for and allowed truth a freedom to subsist.
22/ Today, we have a new force, a new hero and a new hope.

That force is called #Bitcoin
That hero is Satoshi, (we are all Satoshi)
And that hope is a more free & fair world.
23/ America emerged as the New West, as the “old west” in Europe began to decay, in much the same way as the Renaissance emerged from the decay of the Church, and the church was the antidote to the chaos of the feudal times which preceded

Today, the New West is #Bitcoin
24/ "The King is Dead. Long live the King"

The American dream cannot die, and will not die; because it’s not the just the “American” Dream.

It’s the same dream that has permeated all of humanity from as long as the sovereignty of the free individual with reason has existed.
25/ It’s the dream of the ancient philosophers, reignited by the revolutionaries of the Renaissance, carried forward by the American forefathers and today lives on in the spirit of the #Bitcoiners

@Breedlove22 @hodlonaut @parabolictrav @jimmysong @maxkeiser @piratebeachbum
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