Good morning! I hope everyone is hanging in there, maybe even breathing a little easier this week đź’ś It's time to do my favorite thing and shout out the awesome books releasing today!
MASTER OF ONE by @jonesandbennett, a queer fantasy about Rags, a thief, and Shining Talon, a fae prince, a pair of reluctant heroes who take on a world-ending fae prophecy, a malicious royal plot, and, most dangerously of all, their feelings for each other
CHASING LUCKY by @Jenn_Benn, a coming-of-age romance about Josie Saint-Martin, an ambitious teen who returns to her hometown only to have her plans interrupted after falling for the town's "bad boy"--a.k.a. her childhood best friend
Moving on over to middle grade!
FRIEND ME by @sheilamaverbuch, a thriller about Roisin, who's bullied relentlessly at school and who's only lifeline is her online friend Haley, but when Roisin's bully has a terrible accident, she discovers Haley might not be who she says she is
NIGHT HOWL by @Bookpirate and @Trindles_, sequel to THE MIDNIGHT HOUR, following Emily as she battles the greatest evil that has threatened The Midnight Hour and tries to keep its magic from leaking into the real world
Annnnnd my shoutouts to adult scifi and fantasy to finish off your wallet and your TBR!
TADA! Happy release day to absolutely everyone! I hope you have an excellent day and celebrate!
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