
I'm speaking as a fan here and from that standpoint no matter who/what you cheer for there shouldn't be a moment where one feels uncomfortable to do so. Entertainment is meant to take our minds off daily life and it can be a healthy distraction.
After last night's news with La Russa's DUI, I find myself doing what a lot of White Sox fans do: compartmentalize.

"The White Sox front office has no power over their 84-year-old owner. Hopefully, the embarrassing acts stop soon.

At least the players are fun to root for!"
It shouldn't have to be this way. There shouldn't be this level of effort to root for a baseball team. Having to ignore how they operate in putting a product on the field to watch just so we can have a clear conscience.
The White Sox knew about La Russa's pending DUI case, and didn't think it was detrimental in his ability to manage. Not caring about public backlash. Not caring about optics. They moved forward.

Now the fans are the ones left having to feel uncomfortable about this situation.
White Sox fans have an exciting product to look forward to and it's now managed by someone who feels a sense of entitlement. His decision-making shouldn't be questioned because he's Tony La Russa? Really?!
La Russa is lucky it was a single-car breakdown. He's lucky he didn't hurt himself or hurt anyone else. You fired Rick Renteria for his decision-making on the field and replaced him with someone who has very questionable decision-making off it.
It just feels like a slap in the face that the White Sox are brushing this off like it's not a big deal.

I can't wait to watch in-game advertisements from Tim Anderson or Lucas Giolito preaching the importance of designated drivers.
La Russa should not be managing the White Sox in 2021. Find someone else. Admit you've made a mistake and move on. But that's not really the White Sox MO. They let things fester for too long before making a move in the right direction.
It shouldn't be this difficult being a fan.

Now if you excuse me, I am off to watch Luis Robert highlights to try and subdue my anger.

- End Rant -
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