Rating the Yonderland Overlords.
He has killed people. Still a baby. ‘Are people born wicked or do they have wickedness thrust upon them’. He had evil thrust upon him by his father. Should have given him hugs as a child and we could have avoided all of this. An idiot with a heart of gold and anger issues.

Legge. Has sex appeal and knows it. The long hair and the streaks- they are strong and I support his bold choices. Bonus points for his laugh. Not the most evil of the lot but still nice and evil. In love with Dissectus. That eyepatch tho.

What an asshole. Automatically assumes the worst from Cuddly Dick gives him no chance to prove himself. Impatient and deserves to die for his assumptions because assumig always makes and ‘ass out of u and me’. Also what is that facial hair. Get a life. Stop being angry.

Very sexy. Slicked back hair. That eyeshaddow. That scar. The glasses. A look. Clearly has minions of his own and We stan a man in power and in charge. Clearly knows what’s he’s up too. Is done with Dissectus and his bragging. Get on his level of power and then we’ll talk.

The HAIR. The curls. The death of me. Also that outfit?The harness? The collar? An icon. The whisk is sending me it’s a very sexy look. We know he’s sadistic because he’s trying to open that puppets mouth with that whisk. He’s only there momentarilly but boy do I love him.

Lipstick? Choice. Eyebrows? Choice. Very proud of his medals that’s very sexy of him. A man who’s good at his job. He’s cocky tho, that looses him points. We get it you’re ‘the best’. The ring leader for bullying Negatus so that needs to be taken into consideration too

Oh the EYELINER. He is winning already. And that outfit?? The red and black and the floral design? An icon. A lad who is not afraid to show his feminine side. His appearance may be fleeting but by damn he makes an impression

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