Re. Free would be deceitful of me to pretend that I subscribe to the notion of untrammelled free speech...but then again nobody does. Speech and the printed word has always and will always face legal's merely a question of degrees of latitude...
"Do you believe blasphemers should be <insert some gruesome statement>?! Yes or no?!" In an Islamic polity where everyone is well aware of the legal punishment for abusing the Prophet (peace be upon him) then I believe those against whom there is prima facie evidence of...
...such degeneracy should appear in court and account for their criminality. It's worth noting that in the past Islamic judges would often acquit non-Muslims who uttered wilful insults against the Rasul (saw) upon the basis of insanity. Only repeated violations saw...
...the implementation of the death sentence. But what has that got to do with Charlie Hebdo or Free Speech in the West? Not a lot. We do not live in an Islamic state (polity/ it what you like)...Shariah legal punishments do not apply here. And it's worth noting...
...that even if we did then it's the duty of the authorities to try and punish offenders not for citizens to dole out vigilante justice. When it comes to issues such as apostasy and insulting the Rasul (saw) the issue is somewhat grey admittedly but nonetheless the principle... that meting out justice is not for the individual. Now back to our situation in the West...
Unlike some I will never say "I support the right for non-Muslims to insult the Prophet (saw)". Such a statement should never emanate from a believer. No matter what his intentions are. What I do say is that I recognise the reality of living in the West is that some will...
...avail themselves of the opportunities the laws of these nations afford in order to insult the Rasul (saw). And yes, it upsets and angers me and I will never not respond to it. To respond to it - with peaceful means - keeps the love of the Prophet (saw) alive in our hearts... re-emphasises his importance and centrality to our faith. We will never let that slip or attenuate. No matter how much Macron et al desire that. To those nations that revel in insulting our deen we will urge our brethren across the world to boycott and refuse...
...cordial relations with. If you have the right to insult us then we have the right to refuse your business. Don't whine when this (inevitably) happens. Or drone on about "radicalism". If you insult my mother, it's hardly surprising I won't invite you over for afternoon tea!
Turning to the case of France (and certain other European nations) then my complaints are twofold:

(i) Hypocrisy. I can show numerous instances of censorship - sometimes by judicial order and sometimes self imposed - where the feelings of other groups have been hurt.
In addition when Muslims - and others - have sought to exercise their right to free speech and expression they have found themselves subject to arrest or other acts of state repression. For example the banning of insulting imagery of the French flag. Or when the Charlie Hebdo...
...massacre occurred in 2015 some Muslims responding by satirising CH's own insulting image that mocked the deaths of almost 1000 innocent Egyptian protestors in Cairo ( The original caption (left image) read "The Qur'an is shit. It doesn't stop bullets."
No prizes for guessing which of the two near identical images resulted in arrests.
(ii) Even if a magazine or newspaper exercises its legal prerogative to publish wanton insult of Islam's most revered personality that doesn't necessitate the government trumpeting it or amplifying it as an expression of "the Republic's values". A truly secular and liberal...
...government should be respectful and mindful of the sensitivities of all the nation's constituent communities. It should not go out of its way to antagonise any particular one of them under the guise of "promoting secular values".
“Let me state very clearly, and I hope it is obvious, that the United States government had absolutely nothing to do with this video,” Clinton said at a press conference in Washington.

“We absolutely reject its content and message. America’s commitment to religious tolerance...
... goes back to the very beginning of our nation, and as you know, we are home to people of all religions, many of whom came to this country seeking the right to exercise their own religion, including of course, millions of Muslims..."
She went on to condemn the violence resulting from the crudely concocted movie but emphasised that she found it disgusting, distasteful and clearly produced with provocation in mind.
Why couldn't Macron respond the same way? Why couldn't he say that - and forgive me for writing this but I want everyone to know exactly what we are talking about here - an crude caricature of the Prophet (saw) bent over with his backside spread open and his anus on display... a disgusting image (not to mention pornographic) that should not be shown to children and did not represent the attitude of the French republic towards Islam. Sure, he could condemn the beheading in strident problem with that. But to effectively endorse...
...such sickness is to say to French Muslim, indeed Muslims across the world, that France hates and despises your faith. Well is it any wonder then that "radicalism" is a growing phenomenon in France?!
In summary I realise my faith will be the subject of mockery and insult by some. I don't like it and I reserve my right to respond in kind or by any other non-violent legal means. I'm not expecting (as it's not realistic) the law to change to ban insult of Islam. However,...
...what I DO expect is for my government not to effectively side with and amplify the voices of those who do so. I really hope those who have sense will see sense and help make Europe a land where people of all faiths and none can enjoy a tranquil existence .
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