How can we ensure equitable access to COVID-19 products? It is critical that treatments, vaccines and diagnostics developed for COVID-19 reach all those who need them.

This question was debated in parliament last week. Here are some highlights.


The UK has highlighted the need for equitable access to COVID-19 technologies. However, they are also pre-ordering more than their fair share of future COVID-19 vaccines.

Since there will be limited supplies at least initially, this is the equivalent of hoarding.

@wendychambLD highlighted that the UK has pre-ordered more than 10% of potential future doses of COVID-19 vaccines, despite making up only 1% of the global population.

This means that other countries will go without.

MPs pushed the government to support a landmark global waiver on IP rights, which would enable countries to ignore patents and other IP barriers, and scale-up manufacturing of COVID-19 technologies on the scale needed to meet global needs.

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