@MaraHvistendahl @williamnee I want to explain myself more, because I like and respect you both. I carp at @nytimes and this moment to profile its star political reporter because of the message it sends about US journalism. https://twitter.com/williamnee/status/1326121611506847744
Print journalism is already facing a crisis of $, ambition, battered by low confidence in its future, respect for its work. To many, the work dsnt matters. My father was a 6-newspaper person. My fav paper as a kid was the Times. My sis & her family read 0 papers.
@nytimes dominates the country — a vast nation w vastly difft issues, priorities, sensibilities — because of stupid $ decisions made by news owners/poor planning as to where to ensure future $. Closed news co have enfeebled US communities.
I’m from New England, home to many of USA’s oldest newspapers, a region largely uncovered now. Americans don’t know that New England has some of the worst heroin, unemployment, jobs creation problems because the region barely exists in the printed word.
The survival of @nytimes is to be lauded. But that comes with a steep responsibility. The Times stands for journalism worldwide. To have a Times employee lauded right after a contentious election smacks of credibility problems that threaten all US journalism.
That US news is elitist, deaf, parochial, callous, careless, smug, indifferent, East Coast-bound, anti-rural, anti-lower class, tone deaf. And it’s true. So much content seems ripped from city magazines, geared to the wealthy. We are dying, w/o work. The Times features celebs.
The article (if read) can be fuel, another example of an institution indifferent to the fury of half US voters who reject everything the NYT stands for. The article is ammunition against journalists.
And US journalism is the best in the world. Without that, world journalism is more slanted, less vigorous, more vulnerable to govt/corp manipulation.
So yes, I hold the @nytimes to much, much higher standards. We should all.
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