It's not even "Labour under Corbyn were anti-semitic, Corbyn is himself anti-semitic etc" anymore.

It's now "anybody who is regarded as a socialist is a rabid anti-semite and anything connected to Jeremy Corbyn is no better than a nazi"
Simon Heffer's infamous comments come from nothing. There are a lot of people who seem to believe (often tricked) that the left is a genuine threat to Jewish people. All of the left.
Even people who don't believe that are happily enough for the narrative to strengthen and stay in place. Seems bad given that the tories will pick it up. We have already seen Gove try to make political capital out of it.
It would be used as a shield against anybody who is a socialist, on the left, the unions, anti racist campaigners etc.

It would eventually be used against the Labour party as a whole and yes people like Starmer himself.
And that's just in Britain. I imagine the american left is gonna get this from a retreating american far right. Its gonna be used as a warning, a lesson to why the left must be allowed zero influence and power.
Its actually insulting to sit there and shrug as good, good people (including jews, yes Stevie Bush only a tiny few is still a number) are treated appallingly and like monsters.
You might not like Corbyn, I accept some won't. But if they're gonna try and basically destroy every aspect of his life like this do you really think they won't come after you?
The SCG MPs who want to keep their heads down: every single one of you has a huge file on you growing by the day. They want you to become ex MPs.
To the soft left: the few things you agreed with Corbyn on will be thrown in the trasy alongside him. Throwing him out also means socialism and most social democracy goes out too.
These people don't know how to stop. To them the labour left is a virus that must be destroyed. And any links go with it too.
And many people in open labour are regarded as 'hard left'. This is what happens when you play on the terms and conditions of awful people
Ultimately a ehrc report isn't enough for them. They know the left is changing, many of the faces that have been there for the past four decades are on their way out. No good saying a 70 year old is AS bit then the new generation of leftists appearing.
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