She had mentioned that she is a private person. He is more into PDA than her, and she just wants him to herself without the noise and the constant projection of insecurities and being invested. Remember when she said she missed her former self? well, her life before the show.
Y'all know this app is like a diary to her, where she puts her thoughts down. I can relate because it is very therapeutic. But her audience is way larger and it's now different, reason why she can't say all she wants to directly. Everything is being scrutinized and analysed.
Even to the tinniest detail. It's crazy, I can't imagine going on that show and not being able to tweet as I want to without assumptions being made, and my every move being policed. I fit craze mahn.
She wants her individuality, like y'all saw in the house when she said she has her own identity. Appaz Erica Nlewedim the brand, and her fans are Elite. I feel to her if you love her, you're automatically an Elite, shipper or not.
Telling them off came from a place of annoyance and protection as well with what happened yesterday. I feel she wants everyone to know it's okay for him and herself too, to be friends with other people without insecurities being projected. I bet she was high key irritated.
She's really interested in their individual brands, she doesn't want anyone to be lost in another. We watched her live her truth, fans should know better. I can't even imagine the kind of dms they receive, I bet it's crazy, Babe seems overwhelmed and mentally stressed.
I bet it's the irritation from boundaries not being respected playing out. Her intentions are very pure, but the delivery could be better, there is a lot to be learnt. However, she isn't a programmed robot and expresses herself a whole lot here, perfection shouldn't be expected.
EQ is a necessity as well, but can't be developed in a snap of the finger. Being a celebrity doesn't equate superhuman skills. She just wants to be that random girl next door she's always been. As a fan, you should know better than joining others to feed her to the wolves.
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