Some say it is cringe to blame Puritans for modern liberalism. It is not cringe. It is correct. This paper provides some solid evidence that social conservatism in modern England directly correlates with affiliations at the time of the civil war. /thread
Map of religious dissenters (free church types) after the war on left, map of origins of Royalist officers who served in the war on the right. Clear negative association between them.
Another influence on social conservatism they found is population density. The more people around you, the more likely you are to be liberal. This data matches data collected in other countries such as USA. Urbanites are more subversive.
Paper concludes people from Royalist areas more likely to be Brexiteers. Also there is still a correlation between CofE affiliation and social conservatism but it is mainly among Anglicans who don't actually go to church (to get indoctrinated by liberal priests)
The Puritans are to blame for much liberal nonsense on both sides of the Atlantic, but their descendants have given up bible bashing and taken up woke SJW nonsense as their new religion.
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