Hard to believe that six years ago today was my first day working in the NGO world, starting at ShareAction. I've been thinking about things I've learnt, and am still learning, after 6 years in environmental campaigns & policy - and the things I might tell my younger self...
1. PRIVILEGE. It has to be first on the list. My own privilege - white, well-educated, unpaid internship - & that which remains widespread in the sector. Lack of diversity is a major detriment to our work, with an urgent need to embed social justice into environmental campaigns.
2. FAILURE. It's something you will experience a lot, and it's nothing personal. There's a value in being the maverick, the lightening rod. Don't let a fear of failure hold you back from being bold & radical in your demands - it's nothing short of what's needed.
3. SUCCESS. Recognise it, amplify it, leverage it, celebrate it. Acknowledge everyone involved, do not overstate your own importance. The tide can change at any moment - do not spend too long smelling the roses.
4. BURN-OUT. Say no. Do not replicate toxic behaviour. Learn how to take the back-seat. Have a strong sense of self outside of work. You play a role in the current crises we face, but the weight of solving these does not rest solely on your shoulders.
5. STRATEGY. Who is your target audience? Who are they listening to? What issues are pertinent to them? Building strong, personal relationships will underpin any successful strategy. Don't overthink it - flexibility is key, & campaigns are won (& lost) in the spur of the moment.
6. INSPIRATION. Learn from movements around the world. Find inspiration in long walks, nature, in the shower. Never stop challenging yourself, or being curious. Learn from your colleagues, who will be the best people you'll ever get to work with.
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