I know Chirag here is talking is talking about profiteering off of selling photos of vulnerable and marginalised children. Sadly, this isn't restricted to the photography industry alone. Volunteering organizations in the global south do the same. A thread https://twitter.com/chiragwakaskar/status/1325898497552420864
Last year after graduating, I thought I'd do some voluntary work, I I Googled organisations where I could volunteer in Zambia. I found a few, i contacted one of them in livingstone and was told I needed $2,500 to volunteer in their org
I asked why I had to pay and I was told it'd be great for my CV and increase my chances of landing a great job. Told me most volunteers that worked there landed great jobs in top orgs. So I had to PAY to volunteer to help marginalised people so I could land a great job?
I realised it was business BUSINESS for these organizations. They are profiting from people's suffering and poverty, and you should see how they sell it
And of course, these orgs attract the "Barbie Saviours" who always make volunteerism about themselves
More selling: and why don't you turn helping marginalised people into an adventure!
And they pitch harder with this highlighted text. These children aren't just orphaned, they are ORPHANED BY AIDS.
Some say they're non-profit organizations and use the money to pay staff but surely, there has got to be a better way of doing it.
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