have y’all ever noticed that despite how much shit i talk about the conspiracy anti-semites in the rave community they don’t come for me? it’s bc they know i know what they’re actually about. their manipulation doesn’t work so they dismiss me as an agent of the cabal or whatevs
or they block me and say it’s bc i had bad energy but really they don’t want me saying their quiet part out loud. i know their tricks & the details of what they believe so they can’t do anything against me except call me an evil luciferian agent or just a bad vibe bitch
that’s not me tooting my own horn, it’s proof of the power of information. if you inform yourself on the details and history of these conspiracy cults, you will always know where their arguments are leading, how they will deflect, & how they manipulate.
conspiracy cultists are very difficult to discuss or debate anything with bc their moves are deflect, pivot, inundate, & act innocent. it’s 100% bad faith & manipulation so instead of following them on their terms you have to see the overarching strategy.
let’s say you point out that a claim they’re sharing was debunked. they will immediately move to another imaginary claim, make a straw man argument that you trust the government/media, flood you with more false information, and/or pretend they’re just asking questions
they will make you feel like you are uninformed or gullible by bringing up a bunch of stuff you don’t know about, and you can’t refute it all directly bc it’s made up bullshit & there’s always more made up bullshit to spew. you couldn’t possibly know it all.
they’ll accuse you of being a gullible sheep who accepts mainstream media narratives and can’t think for themselves. they’ll make you question, am i gullible? am i not opening my mind enough? they manipulate you into thinking they know more than you when they don’t.
they just made up a lot more imaginary stuff than you did. you don’t have to feel bad or stupid bc you don’t know the imaginary friends and enemies in their head.
conspiracy cultists want you to “open your mind” so they can dig out your brain with a grapefruit spoon and replace it with a copy of theirs. they don’t want you to “think for yourself,” they want you to accept their narrative over any actual evidence.
all of this is a coordinated, purposeful radicalization campaign enabled by the internet. it’s the same way ISIS recruits. so don’t feel uninformed or gullible bc they tell you that you are, recognize that extremists are targeting you for brainwashing & don’t let them do it.
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