You don’t understand coz you don’t listen to people who’s lives arn’t enriched by it,those who’s lives have become worse and people who haven’t seen a penny more go into their wage packet in 15 years because of it. You understand quantam physics but can’t get your head round that
This really annoys me, this shit is reason that people have been called racist , ignorant and stupid for the last few years. People like @ProfBrianCox can’t get theor noodle around the fact that the vast majoritybof people don’t fly around Europe to 30 conferences a year, the
Vast majority of people have to deal with low skilled workers coming over to do jobs for far lease money than what they were doing. Teams of Eastern European’s sharing a house so they can undercut local trades by big margins. Brian Cox won’t understand that whilst he’s working
On the hadron fucking collider or being flying around the world doing research for his latest books and documentaries. Honestly some of the cleverest people in the world can be so fucking thick
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