Aiming for daily walks during our limited hours of daylight during lockdown. Yesterday’s was via a small piece of woodland to search for fungi. A phrase I never thought I’d utter a year ago! Prepare for fungi fabulousness. First via app ID: a poisonous fragrant funnel.
Next up an edible mushroom that is called a deceiver because it’s appearance varies. It’s considered the mushroom equivalent of a weed and easy to miss among the leaves but rather like it.
I was keen to find some colourful mushrooms as have only seen shades of white and brown this season so rather pleased to spot a lilac bonnet. Toxic, paler blush than I expected but colour depends on amount of light available and sure enough...
In another part of the wood came across much deeper coloured lilac bonnets. Though more pink than lilac. Gorgeous.
Ah... there are rosy bonnets too. So that might explain the pink colours of previous photos... unsure of this though may be a brittlegill of some sort.
No colour at all now and, as it’s appearance suggests, a type of coral fungus called wrinkled club. Edible but I’m not taking any chances.
A wood blewit (again according to an app) with a hint of blush on its gills.
Three different types of fungi that caught my eye but couldn’t identify. #fungusID
Broken but eye catching - matching it online, looks like a dusky puffball.
This other round fungi completely flummoxed me. Close up it’s like an ice planet - Europa? Anyone any ideas?
Not to be confused with the golf ball near by...
Tons of these cloudy citocybes around (also known as clouded agaric or cloud funnel). Some were the size of plates.
The rather fantastically named oak loving gymnopus.
These fungi are all from one walk by the way...and they weren’t all pretty either. Thought how unattractive this one was and, after looking it up, discovered it was called an ugly milkcap...and now I feel kinda sad.
Almost trod on this but it caught my eye. Thought it might be an alien seed pod at first but no... it’s a cup fungus and it’s called...devil’s urn (!) 😈
Few more random fungi plus a ruffle lichen.
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