How to E F F E C T I V E L Y (because some of y'all need this) help someone after they self harm or if they have urges to:
- Be in a mindset where you can talk to them calmly about it. Like I tweeted moments ago, yelling never solves anything.

- This isn't a competition. It isn't something to be "even" with your friends with. That's just going to make them feel guilty and want to harm more.
- Ask them about it directly but gently. If it's the first time you noticed scars, etc. they may lie, etc. about them at first, but it's the first step into being okay and it may release something important that they've been scared to tell anyone.
- Ask them what gives them the urge to. Again, directly but gently. Don't try to sugarcoat it, but don't be overkill about it. You'll learn what to help them avoid meanwhile helping them talk about it in a way they weren't able to before.
- As much as you want to, you can't help alone. If they don't have a therapist or someone like that, try to help get them into one.
Now, things that you should NOT say e v e r.

- "Can I see?"
Because why would you say that in the first place-

- "Things aren't that bad."
Glass half-full isn't going to work here.
Don't get upset for obvious reasons-

Remember, as much as you want to, you can't help alone. But helping them may serve as the baby steps into them getting to a good place. <3
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