Dear fellow citizens of the online political left: Stop being absolute mouthbreathing idiots, you dense motherfuckers.

We are this close to ending a nightmare political regime. Trump's lost politically. His legal options are all but exhausted. We are down to the endgame now, where only extralegal options will be available to him. Keep your eye on the fucking ball until he concedes.

You don't like Dubya? I get it. He's a dipshit and his administration was nightmare fuel. But him congratulating Biden is a big deal to the normies. You should be forwarding that shit to your centrist aunt. We can hate him again in February.

You don't like Boris Johnson? He's an absolute wanker! His politics are fucking the UK as hard as Trump is fucking the US. But him congratulating Biden means a lot in terms of international legitimacy, especially given his politics. It's important!

You don't like rumors that Rahm Emmanuel in the cabinet? WHO GIVES A SHIT. We have between now and inauguration day to sort that shit out. Right now, Betsy Devos and Chad Wolf are in the Cabinet, and that MUST change. Rahm is NOT IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW.

You think AOC or Pelosi or Schumer or whoever is a total fuckhead and however the Democratic Party works needs to change? I probably agree, but still Fuck ALL THE WAY OFF with that shit until February. Don't pick out new drapes while the house is on fire.

You think Romney, Collins and Sasse are just GOP scum? Well, sure. But them congratulating Biden is a big deal - it represents a coalition that could potentially block McConnell from doing something INCREDIBLY shitty. This might not be a big deal - but it MAY BECOME ONE.

You think John McCain was actually awful? You don't have to tell me, and his daughter's View appearances were tedious AF. But normie Republicans listen to the McCain clan. Lets not shit on Cindy and Meghan for a couple months. They're talking to people you'll never reach.

You think too many people gave money to the Lincoln Project? Me too, I think we should have taken all of it and given it to downballot house candidates! And we'll hate them again in February. But right now, they're mercenaries on our side, and fighting the good fight.

You think Joe Biden won't accomplish anything? I disagree MIGHTILY, but I gotta tell you, four years of NOTHING is going to be a DREAM compared to four years of Trump EXACTING HIS FUCKING REVENGE on a country that rejected him. We gotta finish this shit off.

Politics is about building coalitions. We're gonna have to stand shoulder to shoulder with some people we hate to bring this home. We need people who can convince the middle that Trump needs to pack his shit and go. We can square the red on the ledger AFTER the deal is done.

We are currently at that stage in the horror movie where everyone THINKS the monster is dead, but no one can find his body. Get to fucking work, and lets drive a stake through that thing's heart, and then we can go get ice cream and return to all fucking hating each other.

Well, after Georgia. Stop being stupid until after Georgia. The difference between the realities we can choose in the next two months are INCREDIBLY HUGE. So please.


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