The club's condemnation of these players is justified. Covid cases are rising sharply across the continent, the country's medical services are under immense strain. The country has entered it's second lockdown, like many other European nations to try and combat this rise.
To party in a hotel amidst all of what is going on and with these restrictions shows these players to be extremely self-centred. Regardless of whether the restrictions are fair or justified - that's a different debate, away from football - to show such contempt for the rules
that are applied to the whole land is truly disgusting behaviour - behaviour not fitting the red & white shirt of Olympiakos.

It should be noted that all three players were foreign nationals.

Bruno, understandably, is likely to feel a periphery figure at the club. Lazar, at 23,
could probably just about claim immaturity and naivety. But Ruben Semedo, a player who on occasion has worn this club's captain's armband, should know better. Semedo is old enough & experienced enough to know better. He should know more than anyone that your actions as a
professional footballer are scrutinised more so because you are a role model for society. Recently called up to his national side again, along with Lazar, these guys are now international figures. This is not the image of Olympiakos that needs to be seen around the globe.
The world needs to all be pulling in the same direction right now. Doing all that can be done to overcome this pandemic so that we can all return to our normal lives.

Unless your name is Ruben Semedo. Because the only person in Ruben Semedo's world is Ruben Semedo.
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