Hey with all the “healthy food” discourse today, please keep in mind that “healthy” doesn’t look the same for everyone. If you have Crohn’s disease, for example, raw veggies and whole grains are generally a terrible idea
If you’re diabetic, packaged foods where you can closely monitor your sugar intake may be best. If you have some forms of IBS, you may not be able to have onions, garlic, apples—all kinds of “healthy”, fresh foods
This is something that we have to balance a lot in our household, where one person has Crohn’s, another is a vegetarian (beans and lentils? Also not good for Crohn’s), and we all are lactose intolerant to some degree. Group meals can be a challenge!
We wind up eating a lot of Asian food (mostly Japanese, Vietnamese, branching into Korean lately) because tofu and rice at least always work for everyone. But it’s a constant balancing act.
You know what would make it super fucking hard? If we were trying to do this on SNAP and our options were limited only to foods considered “healthy” by...who, exactly? Because government nutrition advice already comes with a big pinch of industry interference
And it can get even more restrictive! Food allergies, for example. Or there was this time a kid came into my bakery looking for something he could eat—he had a rare disorder that made him unable to digest a lot of proteins. Turned out all he could have was a bottle of Coke.
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