Absolutely, some of this may be common sense but maybe some of it will be helpful, and none if it is easy at all, im gonna give a brief background on my condition quickly first https://twitter.com/xiamemi/status/1326001683424563201
So first about me: ADHD runs in my family, my mother sister and father have also been diagnosed, I was diagnosed when I was 16 and have tried different ADHD meds. I also have bipolar disorder and anxiety on top of it which does attribute to my ADHD experience
The first biggest thing I can say is to really come to terms with your diagnosis, ADHD doesn't mean you're stupid, or aren't able to do what others are, it just means you work a little different. I had to become friends with my ADHD to work with it
2. Learn your limits. I can get burnt out on a task really easy and I would overwhelm myself by trying to do everything. Learn your limits and set your tasks for the day. I can't clean my apartment in one day or a homework worksheet, so I plan accordingly
3. I have a hard time doing big tasks. I get distracted ans frustrated when I feel like im not doing it quickly enough. I break it into little chunks, tasks and bits that I break up(break up the parts!) Ie. For my job I have to inventory everything at the end of the night...
...its a book about 60 pages i go through. What i do is i categorize things, I do everything on the left side of the cooler, then I will do a different task, then come back to inventory the right side of my cooler, that way im not struggling to focus for 30 min straight
4. Don't make a to do list or rigidly schedule yourself. I see people do this for productivity but it doesn't work for me. I write a paragraph about my goal and some of the steps I'll do to complete it, breaking it down, and how I will feel once its done...
...at some moments you'll focus better than others so scheduling yourself is setting yourself up for failure. If I need to do the dishes ill write smth like "im gonna do the dishes today, it'll make me happy to have the kitchen clean, ill wash them and dry them later" etc
5. Be careful with your diet. I havent found any evidence that a bad diet causes ADHD but caffeine and sugar spikes can make you hyperfixate and then burn out more easily. I love sweets and drink energy drinks still but I make sure I have them at appropriate times
6. Part of my ADHD experience is emotional disregulation, ive found mindfulness and meditation are helpful but you have to put in the work. Find ways to practice it at work, while at home, whatever your doing. Investing 15 minutes every day even if its in 2 minutes intervals
7. Make sure your environment is conductive to you and has everything you need. At my desk when I have to do homework I make sure I have water, a snack tucker away, all my pages and my favorite pens. I plug my phone in and keep it behind me and play music with no vocals
I'll add to this as I think of more and im open for questions but ill end this now with make sure you forgive yourself and take care of yourself! Nobody is perfect and you deserve breaks, care, and love. You are not less of a person because you struggle with ADHD
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