"How can the evangelicals support someone as corrupt and unChristian as Trump?" you may ask Well, let me tell you a little story that might enlighten you. A while ago, I hired an assistant from the midwest who made her way to SoCal but came from a born-again family. 1/
She kept her hair really short & was athletic. No boyfriend. I assumed she was gay & had fled her parents, older sister & strict church. Then one day, she got a call. Her dad had a heart attack & was in the hospital. I said if she needed to take off and go home, she could. 2/
She started to shake. I have never seen such terror in a person's eyes. Her story tumbled out: throughout childhood, her father had routinely raped her sister. Her sister told the mother who did nothing. Her sister told the pastor who did nothing. 3/
My assistant lived in fear that she would be her father's next victim so she chopped off her hair to be less attractive and worked out to become strong in case she needed to fight him off. As soon as she could, she moved far, far away. 4/
The sister never broke free. She had 2 kids with 2 different boyfriends who had both split. She had no job which left her financially dependent on her father. At some point, the dad admitted to repeatedly raping his daughter. And soon after, God spoke to him. 4/
The dad was born again. After that--my assistant explained--no one could criticize him for *anything* he'd done. When her sister got drunk and yelled at him for hurting her, he'd yell back, "That was BEFORE." His slate was wiped clean. 5/
My assistant's home state has a large evangelical population that voted overwhelmingly for Trump. As we wonder how they can overlook his lies, racism, fraudulent businesses, multiple marriages, 20+ assault/rape accusations, I think about my one data point. 6/
I think about the terror in a young woman's eyes at the thought she might have to go home to her white evangelical family. And I think maybe the evangelicals are not bad people because they vote for Trump. Maybe they vote for Trump because they are bad people. end/
One more thing: The reason this was on my mind is I watched those videos of Paula White & Kenneth Copeland & thought who would follow these lunatics: The answer: Men who want to believe they can rape their daughters and God is just fine with that...and the women who enable them.
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