As always with questions of Trump and democracy, we're bogging down in a false binary.

"Coup" language is too simplistic to describe violating the norm of accepting the results of an election you have lost. Democratic erosion can result without a "coup."
We've back in the same loop:

1. Trump violates key democratic norms
2. People get worried
3. Some go too far and say dictator, coup, etc.
4. Other people point to #3 and say everything is fine b/c he's not a dictator, it's not a coup, etc.

In reality, democracy is not binary!
Democracy exists on a continuum; it is not binary. Democratic erosion can take place even if we ultimately have a peaceful transfer of power. It doesn't require dictators or coups. This more subtle form of erosion is now more common - and a greater threat to our system of govt.
This was true on Tuesday, it was true on Saturday, and it'll be true on January 20.
For more, see @RyanDEnos
And here's a USAID review on democratic backsliding - usually occurs w/o a change in regime type

"Erdmann’s (2011: 26) study of 52 cases of backsliding found that only 5 were a transition from democracy to an authoritarian regime"
Re-upping this thread b/c I keep reading people saying what Trump is doing is illegal. It's not! He's violating *norms* we depend on to ensure the peaceful transfer of power and confidence in our electoral system. The deterioration of those norms contributes to democratic erosion
You *cannot* understand what is happening using binary frameworks of democracy/autocracy and coup/peaceful transfer of power. What Trump and the GOP are doing now can contribute to democratic erosion even if we remain a democracy and ultimately have a peaceful transfer of power.
Avoid false binaries
An example of inane false binaries about democracy vs. not, coup vs. not
wtf (1876 turned out just fine? really??? what about ... um ... the end of Reconstruction?)
not a coup, binary oversimplifications confuse people and fail to convey what is destructive
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