Mississippi House Rep. Price Wallace: “We need to succeed [sic] from the union and form our own country."

That tweet came in response to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' victory in the presidential race.

STORY: https://www.mississippifreepress.org/6813/top-mississippi-republicans-fail-to-acknowledge-biden-victory-as-fitch-joins-trump-lawsuit/
In case you were wondering: Rep. Price Wallace ran unopposed for his seat in 2019. https://twitter.com/pricewallace/status/1325233771638091776
Rep. Price Wallace was born in 1961 & graduated from Simpson Academy, an all-white segregation academy that opened in spring 1970 following a fall 1969 Supreme Court order for all public schools in Mississippi to desegregate immediately. https://www.jacksonfreepress.com/segacademies/ 
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I don't think Rep. Price Wallace liked this Twitter thread as much as some of y'all did.
Anyway, here's his tweet for posterity in case he deleted it.
He has officially succeeded from my timeline.
Feeling like I just lost the Battle of Pettysburg.
Important: Rep. Price Wallace sits on the House election committee, meaning he has a vote on whether or not legislation to make voting more accessible makes it to the House floor.

Mississippi House Speaker @PhilipGunnMS has not yet responded to my requests for comment.
To those of you putting down on Mississippi as usual and using Rep. Price Wallace to paint this whole state with broad, racist strokes, keep in mind that Jeramey Anderson is also a Mississippi House Rep, and Mississippi voters elected him, too. 👇🏻 https://twitter.com/ashtonpittman/status/1326344476399374337
Rep. Price Wallace unlocked his account, unblocked me, and DMed the apology for "my poor lack of judgment" for his "succeed from the Union" tweet directly my inbox. 👇🏻
You can follow @ashtonpittman.
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