I’m working on refining my list & sharing. But I tend to be a deep learner and not a wide one. So I’ve developed flash cards, simulations, and notebooks based on the same texts. For example, I re-read “The Dip” by Seth Godin at least twice per yr. https://twitter.com/fx_fool/status/1325989918267506688
Options Trading & Vol Trading by Euan; Options as a Strategic Investment by McMillan is underrated because he does a sneaky good job demonstrating the conditions that make a given option structure profitable, not just explaining *what* the structure is.
Macrohedged -has a great intermediate course on the futures options market.They’re the real deal.

Colin Bennett’s book on Skew & Vol trading is a gem.Great stuff.

I used freelancer and Coursera to plug up holes in the math required to grok options modeling & vol surface stuff
@sherbn ‘s book is another applied book that’s written with the practitioner in mind. Al is a great dude. He makes a majority of his dough on the short vol side, so his book is great(similar to McMillan) for describing the conditions that are ideal for a given trade.
You can follow @darjohn25.
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