RUMBLINGS FROM THE UNDERGROUND: A Thread the coming evolution of the dissident right from a sub/counter-culture into a sub/counter-society, a return to a true 'underground'.
I should specify what that means exactly. In the 60s/70s, the various currents of the time gave birth to a truly functional underground, however brief it lasted and however globalhomo it's politics might have been, the idea is something worth pondering in-depth.
Lets take a look at the physical motivations of the time; you had ex-cons freshly out of jail, draft dodgers, political radicals and anti-social types all desiring a means of dropping out, of living off the books and under the table.
Which of course, brought in criminals to fill the market void. Forgers, smugglers, drug dealers, black marketeers of all stripes, safehouse owners. It was a feeding frenzy for them like never before. But we have both the drop-out and criminal class now, where's our underground?
The missing component was the mass public disillusion from the political turmoil of the time and then the broad economic decline that followed. The formerly vigilant public began turning a blind eye to things that 'weren't their business', or said fuckit and joined in part-time.
We live in the most monitored and surveilled period of humanity. But this can only be maintained so long as the vast tech infrastructure (physical and electronic) remains at peak performance. If that is disrupted, then that vast CCTV world becomes free space again. The game is on
So what you have is a vast, continental network of informal relationships where, if you have a way to plug into it, you can ride as far as the current will take you. There's work, social events, places to live, people who get it to meet. All off the books and out of sight.
Like mushrooms after a rain, a new world sprouts up when it is given space to fill. Once it is there, it pulls in the artist class as well, driven by a desire for authenticity, transience, and possibility. Finally free to add to an unfolding tale, not to a finished one.
We have the first two components thus far. Look around here, tell me you don't see a laundry list of people that are trouble in waiting, who are already accustomed to keeping their names to themselves and would leap at the first chance to make a living on the outskirts.
The only criminals today are the ones that made it through years of it being very, very difficult for them to do what they do. Yet, there's no real way for someone not in the life or affiliated with it somehow to make contact with them and do business, doesn't happen.
We're getting the third component right now, the outcome of this election is going to lead to a prolonged decline unlike any in living memory and you can already see the very public failure of the God of Democracy and the psychological dissonance it will cause. RIP nanny state
The physical framework of this exists regardless of the ideological undercurrent, this 'underground' will be distinct from the most recent hippie counterculture example and shaped instead by basically many of the currents of thought you see on here.
I think the interim period will be like a second sieve through the dissident right like C-ville was, it filtered out those who didn't have resilience and staying power. This will filter out those who do not have the pulse of life within them, lusting to break free
This is why I refuse blackpills, the system's reach has extended so far and so totally, the sheer amount of space freed up by it's looming retraction will only be matched by the pent-up ocean of energy it's dammed up so long. A deluge of, well, everything that's been missing.
I'll probably run into more than a couple of ya'll at some point out there. As much as I'm going to enjoy it for the gift it is, it's greatest boon will be as a vehicle for allowing the movement and sorting and grouping of people that fate has ordained. See ya on the trail.
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