Four years ago I was shopping in my local grocery store, still devastated by the fact Trump had won.

I saw a Hispanic man who worked there, and worried about him. I saw another Latino family and worried for them.

I saw a middle-aged African American woman and worried for her.
At that point, I was almost ready to burst into tears.

She looked at me and asked, "Are you OK?"

I wasn't. I told her, "We're not all like that."

And she extended her arms and embraced me. And stunned me.

She. Comforted. Me.
And I could not absorb it. I burst into tears. And she hugged me and told me it was going to be OK.

And it was in that moment that I realized the strength it took to be a middle-aged African American woman in 2016.

And now I just want to find her and tell her congratulations
I embraced her and we stood there. Strangers in the aisle of a grocery story, both of us crying. It was a special moment in my life and I would really love to see that beautiful woman again.
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