What's Next? Women of color and working people rejected fascism!

Now it's time to build a NY that works for ALL people.
We’ve got an educator headed to the White House. It’s time for one in City Hall!

Join my campaign to help make it happen!

I am the first Afro-Latina candidate for Mayor, and it is time for our voices to be centered at City Hall.

I come from completely outside the political establishment and we've been building a movement campaign, person by person, for more than a year…
The momentum is building! As of the last filing we had THE MOST support from NYC residents of any candidate BY FAR.
Because of this I am accountable to YOU, not the special interests...
I am running for mayor of New York because for too long our political system has ignored or silenced whole communities.

By listening, and speaking to the needs of the people, we’re building a movement that creates a new politics, for ALL people…
Community power will make it possible for us to address the root causes of the problems we face, not just manage w/politically convenient bandages. Our problems are structural

Others might imitate the language we use to signal transformation, but let's set the record:
Together with millions of New Yorkers, as I've marched for Black Lives, it has become apparent that this is our singular opportunity to radically reimagine public safety in our city…
I was the FIRST candidate for Mayor to call to Defund The Police, to divest from the NYPD and invest in community.
People need to know when they call for help they'll get it. That's why I'm calling for a new Community First Responders Department (CFRD). http://www.dianne.nyc/divest 
I've pledged to close Rikers and to open NO new prisons or jails as we dismantle a "justice" system built to criminalize Black and Brown communities.

We must end the war on drugs, and support people and communities that are struggling with addiction.
Policing ≠ public safety. The safest neighborhoods have more resources. It is time for New York to invest in ALL our communities, and fulfill the promise of safety for everyone. That starts with making sure every New Yorker has a safe, quality place to live.
While others talk about "affordable housing" I am running to ensure Housing For ALL. Every single New Yorker must have a place to live and we can do this if we put people before profits: http://www.dianne.nyc/housing 
As an educator, I know the impact schools have. We must radically reimagine education, end segregation, and replace the system of screening/testing. This means overhauling curriculum, supporting teachers, utilizing the city as a classroom & partnering with key stakeholders.
After a devastating year, New Yorkers deserve a New Social Contract. As mayor, I will build a Solidarity Economy. That means investing in small business, increasing worker owned enterprises, supporting community banking...
a Guaranteed Minimum Income, Childcare, job training that centers the worker over the market, addressing climate change and environmental racism.

NOW is our time to address the root-causes of the problems we face...
Together, we are building something truly historic and I want you to be a part of it. We are on a path to raise $250,000 from New Yorkers to receive 8:1 matching funds. I can only do that with your help…
🚨🚨This is how: JOIN ME and all of our supporters NEXT THURSDAY for our Campaign Launch! Be there from the beginning as New Yorkers, rising up in a spirit of joyous rebellion, to make history together! https://secure.actblue.com/donate/campaignlaunch11.19
You can follow @Dianne4NYC.
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