Grateful for @nsndp members who volunteer to help me connect with likely voters, fundraise for a re-election campaign expected in 2021 (  - thx for considering) and scout for a campaign office in constantly changing #Halifax Needham.
Tonite, when I reflected on the increasing demands for #rentcontrol, several EDA members also shared their own experiences of rent increases, renovictions, apartment hunting. After we all signed off of Zoom, I stopped briefly at the Superstore on Young to pick up a loaf of bread.
As I pulled into the parking lot, I saw a man with a slower than average step, a larger than average backpack. By the time I approached the front doors, he was sitting on the sidewalk. I stocked up on $5 Tim’s gift cards last week; he got one. #homeless
On the way back out, I gave him a couple bananas and a protein bar, and I asked a couple questions- he’s sleeping on the street, no tent. He’s on @ahansnovascotia’s by-name list (along with about 400 others). That’s brutal, I said. No shower, nowhere to cook, he said. #nspoli
This is not inevitable. Finland is eliminating homelessness, in part because it costs the gov’t less. Not addressing #housing is causing all kinds of heartache and tangles in #healthcare and #justice and #education and #childwelfare and lives. We can do better. #nspoli
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