I read through the lawsuit the Trump campaign filed in Detroit.

Let's take a look:
Here's the summary of the charges, which basically boils down to "ballots and voters were being added to the totals en masse under sketchy circumstances"

Ok, bad if true. What else you got?

"They kept bringing in ballots without envelopes through the back door and kicked us out when we objected"

Ok, that's a bit more specific, but still not clear fraud. Let's see what else they allege.

"We have a witness who watched workers assigning ballots from voters the system said already voted to new voters the worker invented and added to the bottom of the poll book on the spot"

Ok thats pretty bad if you can prove it. Sounds like there might be a pattern to check?

"We have another witness who will testify she was ordered to backdate ballots to make it look like they were received before the deadline"

Knowingly changing ballot info is not cool, no matter what you're doing. But it's still just two people making these claims.

"We have another witness who claims that 4am wagon entering through the back had tens of thousands of ballots, all cast for Biden"

That's bad. 4am ballot drops during a pause in counting brought in apparently outside the chain of custody that all go one way is alarming

"We have a fourth witness who saw a separate ballot drop 17 hours later cast by people who were not registered to vote before the polls closed, all born 1/1/1900"

We've got a pattern now. Manufacturing voters and ballots then editing the system to legitimize them? Very bad

"Witness 2 was explicitly instructed to *not* verify the mail in votes were legitimate"

Now this looks like organized fraud. Multiple eyewitness claiming they were told to add invalid votes and avoid doing what they were hired to do: ensure those votes were legitimate

"We have a fifth witness who saw tens of thousands of unsecured votes rolled in to the counting center"

Ok, this is a lot of witnesses all testifying they saw huge ballot dumps and election security laws being blatantly disregarded. This warrants investigation.

"We want the certification of this election enjoined pending an investigation, and we want a do over"

Seems fair. With such serious charges backed up by eyewitness accounts and (if you dig around enough) video evidence, we need to ensure our elections can be trusted, no?

Eyewitness testimony is evidence. 5 people say they saw things that, if they occurred as alleged, likely rise to fraud.

This must be looked into. We can't have people thinking the election was stolen and refusing to accept it. We must agree on the winner to move forward

Here's the link to the lawsuit if you want to read through it yourself
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