what's in your 9th house & what are your spiritual/religious beliefs? 🕊

the 9th whole sign house in the chart is traditionally known as the "place of god".
the 9th house represents high-level wisdom, such as notable expertise, multicultural studies, philosophy, religion, or foreign travel. ⁠

if you have any planets or points there, it can represent an aspect to the role of religion, belief, or knowledge in your life. ⁠
regardless of if you have any planets there, you can look to the sign of the whole sign 9th house for the lens that this is filtered through. ⁠

& as always, for final judgment of that house's topics, you look to the condition of the planetary ruler of that sign.
*i* have a Sun + North Node conjunction (exact by degree) in my Virgo 9th house. the Sun has its Joy in the 9th house, because, among other things, the egoic search for knowledge thrives in the house of literal high-level education.⁠
the North Node represents massive increase & also provocatively progressive drive. growing up in Christian school until i went to college, i remember many instances of being unintentionally brash.
in kindergarten, i asked why my husband couldn't save himself for me. a couple things i would "hypothetically" inquire about would often get the teachers to admit that would send me to hell. lol.⁠
i'm now studying high-level spiritual traditions & philosophy, though i definitely bring in Virgo skepticism & rigor to both my own & others' experiences around such lofty topics. ⁠
my 9th house is in analytical Virgo, ruled by my Mercury in Leo, stationed direct on my birthday, opposite Uranus. stations are intensifications. an opposition to Uranus is also highly provocative. i breathe & it offends. i keep to myself, & it still vibrates out very shockingly.
what's your 9th house story like? what's your relationship to religion & spirituality? 🕊
tldr im secular but acknowledge there's obviously intelligence outside of humanity. maybe i just consider myself "secular" because that seems obvious & not magical.
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