And away.... we....Go! #CBBbestofs @ComedyBangBang
I’ve decided to use this thread to also acknowlege the best moments of the best of’s (either from the clips they’re playing or the Scott/PFT banter) so stay turned! #CBBbestofs
First Iconic CBB moment: El Chupacabra and Jon Hamm Pajamas “ad” cc @nickkroll #CBBbestofs
Iconic CBB Moment 2: Jon Hamm and John C Reilly ( @PFTompkins) Acting-Off (I wish I could do the whole clip but the best part is PFT’s performance for sure)
Iconic Moment #3: Bob Ducca’s List of Ailments (Hot Tub Foot) #CBBBestOfs
Iconic Moment #4: the best ever What Am I Thinking -
Iconic “Moment” #5: All of Farts and Pro 1
Iconic Moment #6: Harris’s Foam Corner (featuring Zach Galifianakis, St. Vincent, and “El Chupacabra”) #CBBBestOfs
Iconic Moment #7 - The Peppermen
I've missed a bunch of moments but Iconic Moment #8: Hollywood Facts Theme Song featuring @laurenlapkus and @thelonelyisland #CBBBestOfs
Iconic Moment #9: Chazmin, Sunny, and Scarsdale #CBBBestOfs
Iconic Moment #10: the introduction of one of my favorite Comedy Bang Bang characters ever - The Timekeeper #CBBBestOfs
Iconic Moment #11 Scott vs Santa
Iconic Moment #12 : the inception of “Heynongman” (the rest of the ep is excellent too but the clip is just the inception) #CBBBestOfs
2015 is a legendary year for @ComedyBangBang
Iconic Moment(s) #13: all of the Cantina band performances. A fave of mine, including the discussion of the fact that the style of music is really called Jizz (edited by @dreamtymefilms ) #CBBBestOfs
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