Other bits:
The GSA stand-off continues w/ a spokesperson telling us: "There are no updates at this time and GSA’s position remains the same. An ascertainment has not yet been made."

Many congressional Dems are furious. Here's one letter today.

Most Republicans are sticking by the president.
But some believe the GSA should find a way to release the funds even as the legal battles continue. Rubio to @AndrewDesiderio tonight.
you can almost hearing the resumes being updated. Presidential Transition Center tells us that there's been a surge in downloads of their podcast episode on what it takes to get vetted for an administration job. It's now their 3rd most downloaded ep. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/transition-lab/id1495404153?i=1000478983313
There's been harassment of @GSAEmily as well w/ a lot of resistance twitter going after her, posting her # and contact info, etc.
You can follow @AlexThomp.
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