I've been waiting months for articles like this one, and it does not disappoint. You just gotta tip your hat at Melanie Wesslock's sad and pathetic life right now. https://nypost.com/2020/11/09/nyc-street-parking-hell-worse-than-ever-due-to-covid-19-drama/?utm_source=twitter_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site%20buttons&utm_campaign=site%20buttons
Manhattan residents are finding that - shocker! - it sucks to drive in the city even if you can park it in your own building. Who coulda guessed?
It's funny (?) how The Post frames restaurants as taking up precious real estate rather than the cars that contribute nothing. Good to see the city defend it, but I'd love to see Mitch Schwartz tell everyone to just stop driving instead.
Oh yes! A lot of people are learning in real-time what a waste of limited urban space free curbside parking is and how we should be using this space for more productive purposes. https://twitter.com/notalogin/status/1325962622919962624
Now I'm curious if @DoreeLewak went to Arte Cafe to see how many spots their outdoor dining set up takes up rather than presenting it like a he said/she said debate. Per their photos on Insta, it appears to be at most 6 spots.

https://www.instagram.com/p/CGsgdQYDDtt/  https://twitter.com/2AvSagas/status/1325956125129396224
Even still, look at how much nicer this is than a bunch of parked cars just sitting on 73rd St. Imagine thinking storage for your red Mini Countryman is better than this. I cannot.
Melanie Wesslock deleted her Twitter account tonight - I assume because a bunch of people on the internet were making of her parking 🎻 story for a little while. Did she think we’d all be sympathetic? https://twitter.com/2avsagas/status/1325955796207886339
Free advice: If you don’t have the courage of your convictions, don’t over-exaggerate your free parking problems to a Post reporter!
I was toying with not posting the following screenshots, but after last night's thread, one of the anonymous NIMBY accounts on instagram not worth your time got really mad at me. So why not just dive in?

Here goes.
The Upper West Side Moms are organizing for tonight's Community Board 7 meeting because they are upset at the proposal that every intersection within a few blocks of a school or senior center get daylighting treatment. Why? Because of parking.
Daylighting, of course, if the ones the easiest and safest measures the city can take to improve safety at every single intersection in NYC. It's particularly beneficial to children who are often blocked by cars parked near intersections.

Guess who's attending tonight?
If you actually cared about your kid's safety, as Melanie claims she does, daylight is the single best thing you can advocate for.

(Plus, if you really needs a car for work, just pay for a damn garage and write off the costs. You can deduct parking as a job-related expense.)
Oh. This is even funnier. https://twitter.com/Kevin21944759/status/1326173371965575169
To end this with some education, here's a great illustration of the benefits of daylighting from a 2009 @StreetsblogNYC post. As you can see, especially for children who are shorter than cars, daylighting is a huge safety upgrade that requires no extra built infrastructure.
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