So a lot of times people ask that challenge question about "Would you do X for $10 million" and they make it about saying something on national TV - would you say the N-word, would you call your mother a whore, would you brag about being a pedophile

And it's always polarized
Some people instantly say no, no money is worth it

Some people agonize over it, they try to hedge - "Do I have to say it like I mean it? Can I qualify it first by telling them why I'm saying it? Can I come back on TV afterwards to apologize?"

But some people don't care
"$10 million? Just to say words? Not even anything that has a *real* cost?

Fuck yeah I'd do it, you'd have to be an idiot not to

It's real money! For just saying words! Words don't matter, they aren't real, they're had sounds!"
"But the point of the challenge is that saying that stuff would make you look bad in front of the country, everyone would have a negative opinion of you"

"So what? Money insulates you from all that

Who cares if people hate me as long as they'll take my credit card"
This group of people is the group of people who has what it takes to go into politics

Especially as Republican senators

Once you're in place, all you have to do is vote as you are required to do to make lots of money for very little work
That work consists of saying awful, ridiculous, cruel and stupid things that make you look like a complete asshole in front of the whole country

But it's just words

Everyone will roast you hard on Twitter for days but, crucially, you can just not have a Twitter
You can see Trump's appointees bringing this energy to their confirmation hearings

The gloating realization that it doesn't matter how bad you look in front of the country

Just say some total bullshit, sit through the meeting and bam, you've got the job and the paycheck
Betsy DeVos being this close to just laughing in the Democrats' face and saying "I don't even know what a school actually is"

Amy Coney Barrett *literally saying* "Yeah I'm just not gonna answer that question because if I did, it would be a reason not to confirm me"
They just don't care, shame or decorum or intellectual honesty or whatever doesn't matter at all

The hearing is a farce, the answers to the philosophical questions have as much meaning as the address you put on your fake ID or the username on a Reddit throwaway account
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