Oh boy, I sure do love a war that ends in such a fashion that it virtually guarantees another war within decades - if not sooner.

Also sure love the world once again abandoning a smaller nation to get carved up by its aggressive, imperialistic neighbors. As is tradition. https://twitter.com/IntelDoge/status/1325923539413852161
Like, even if Pashinyan has signed, there's no way Armenians are going to accept this. Especially when they still control parts of Artsakh. There are already pictures and video of protestors storming government buildings in Yerevan.

I wonder if the Azeris are counting on that.
I feel bad for Pashinyan. He was put in an impossible position where he probably knew if he kept on fighting without external support they'd keep building and eventually lose. When it became obvious Russia didn't see Armenia as worth it for support, he had no choice.
All I know is Putin must be getting some sweet apology deal from Azerbaijan after that Mi-24 shootdown to force this through. I know he's been trying to play both sides in that conflict for years now, but this is cold even by his standards. Abandoning a treaty ally. Yeesh.
I shouldn't be surprised at all this and I guess I'm not surprised at the events themselves. I guess I'm surprised with how cynical I am at the world, that this still hurts to see happen to nations and their people.

What a fucking world we live in.
We'll see if this even lasts. There's already a huge backlash among Armenians happening. It makes me wonder if a string of events will occur that will give Azerbaijan the impetus to go for broke - especially when Armenia's one ally has shown they don't give a shit. We'll see.
There are already reports of large amounts of protestors storming the Armenian Parliament on OSINT accounts, so, yeah.😬

Simultaneously images of Russian "peacekeepers" already headed to Artsakh/NK.

I guess we'll see who moves faster in this whole thing.
I don't want to see more bloodshed but, like, let's face it. There's going to be. Whether its 20 hours from now or 20 years from now. There's going to be. Until there's a truly final settlement about this land - and I don't know if there ever can be - there'll be bloodshed.
This all comes back to how even if we get a leftist government in this country, we can't just disengage from the world or write off war. Not when there are going to be countries out there that are at the mercy of places that won't stop being imperialist just because we do.
Armenia and Artsakh were well armed, ready to fight, and willing to fight to defend themselves. But at the end of the day, they only had so many bodies and lacked crucial capabilities. They needed outside support if they were going to do more than a holding action. It never came.
So yeah, just bring up this one if anyone ever tells you we'll get world piece just by the United States dismantling its military and withdrawing from everywhere across the globe.

There's always going to be another asshole. Always.
*peace goddammit. I'm doing a lot of angry posting ok? Typos get through
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