Having been in two countries during a coup, I can tell you the sequence goes something like this: fire military that opposes you, instigate civil unrest, declaration of martial law "for" public safety, denial of coup, arrest media & opposition leaders, set curfew, denial of coup.
Not that I'm worried or anything. 🙃
Also, this is a reminder of why I shouldn't tweet while stressed out (hahaha, 2020) because my grammar is all over the place in the first tweet. Sorry mum.
Oh okay, wasn't expecting this! We got this, people! 💚Coups fail all the time. How? We call out the attempt for what it is asap. Media refuse to legitimize it. Govt/ military/ rank & file don't follow orders. Citizens in huge numbers non-violently protest, strike & shut down. 👊
Here are some very smart people to read & follow if you don't already:
@sarahkendzior @AngryBlackLady @monaeltahawy @prisonculture @sandylocks @AnandWrites @RBReich! Read up, do some calm breathing meditation, show up. 🙏
Also, this entire thread by @SarahTaber_bww and the importance of using multiple techniques, esp. economic disruption, to resist. https://twitter.com/SarahTaber_bww/status/1323655743434858499
You can follow @dchungyalpa.
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